Join a Lake District Mighty Hike for Macmillan in June

Cancer support charity Macmillan have chosen the stunning Lake District as a  location for one of their Mighty Hikes this June. Macmillan Cancer Support is one  of Britain’s largest charities and provides specialist healthcare, information and  financial support to people affected by cancer. The charity began hosting Mighty  

Hikes as a way of encouraging the public to raise money in a fun, sociable way  and created a series of one-day half and full marathon hikes in beautiful  locations across the UK. 

Next month, the charity is hosting two hikes in the Lake District between 18-19th June. The walks are suited for both experienced and new hikers; the first walk,  taking place on the 18th is a full marathon distance (26 miles) whereas the next  day is half a marathon. Both hikes begin in the picturesque grounds of Dalemain  House and follows the Ullswater Way footpath, offering stunning views of  Ullswater Lake throughout.  

How can I get involved?  

To get involved with the Lake District Macmillan Mighty Hike, sign up at and select the day you wish to hike. There is a  registration fee of £20 and a minimum fundraising pledge of £250. Mighty Hikers  receive a free Macmillan walking top, free food at the finish and a finisher’s  medal and glass of bubbly at the end of the day! The route is clearly marked  making navigation easy with the charity providing regular refuelling stops with  snacks and drinks as well as medical assistance if needed. Free parking for the  event is available at Dalemain House alongside a free shuttle running from the  finish at Jenkins Field back to the house. The hike will set off in waves 20  minutes apart between 8am and 9.20am. You can start whenever you prefer  however hikers with a slower pace are recommended to start first to allow  plenty of time to complete the route, as the finishing area must be cleared by  6.40pm.  

The deadline to register for the Lake District Macmillan Mighty Hike is  Friday 3rd June 2022 

Fundraising tips…  

Signing up to the Macmillan Mighty Hikes means you pledge to raise at least  £250 for the charity. We’ve put together a list of some handy fundraising tips to  get you started…  

Set up a JustGiving page  

Setting up a JustGiving page is a simple and easy way to fundraise, allowing you  to share the link with family, friends and communities on social media.  Donations can be made easily and the money goes straight to Macmillan. 

Host a coffee morning  

Host a coffee morning with family and friends either at an event or at home. Bake  some tasty treats, put the kettle on, play some games and ask your mates to  donate! Coffee morning ideas and fundraising kits can be found at: 

Clear out your wardrobe  

Got a wardrobe or drawer full of old clothes you don’t wear? You’ll be surprised  at how much your neglected clothes and accessories are worth to others. Sell  them on second hand sites such as Ebay or Depop and donate the proceeds  towards your fundraising.  

Start a sweepstake  

Think of different ideas for a sweepstake. It could be asking people to guess how  long it will take you to complete the hike for £2 a guess. Find prizes to give to the  winner or ask people to donate some gifts. Similarly, if you’re hosting a bake sale  or event, you could ask people to guess how many sweets are in a jar, donating  

the money from the guesses towards your fundraiser.  

Training and Kit  

Hiking a marathon, or half, is something not to be taken lightly. It can be  challenging for some, but everyone should feel as though they can be involved! To prepare yourself better, make sure you get in some training before the event  and gather the right kit… 

- Walking boots/shoes: Make sure your shoes have good support and grip  and wear them in before the event.  

- Walking socks: Find some socks specifically designed for running or  walking. Stay away from cotton; the material absorbs moisture and can  cause blisters. Carry a few spare pairs on the hike just in case.  

- Breathable top: The top provided by Macmillan for your hike is made of  wicking material perfect for hiking  

- Light fleece: Bring a fleece or extra layers in case the weather turns  - Walking trousers, leggings or shorts: Hike comfortably in walking  specific trousers or bottoms. Avoid jeans or any other slow drying  material.  

- Water bottle: Macmillan wish to limit single use plastic therefore will not  be handing out water bottles, however they will be providing refill  stations along the route to fill up your own bottle.  

- Sun cream: You can sunburn even on a cloudy day, so always pack sun  cream  

- Waterproofs: The Lake District is renowned for its rain, even in summer,  so always come prepared with a waterproof jacket, trousers and rucksack  cover. 

- First aid kit: Although there is medical assistance provided throughout  the Mighty Hikes if needed, it is always advisable to carry personal, basic  first aid such as plasters, blister plasters and any medication you may  need.  

Macmillan provide free, virtual training plans on their website, filled with  hints and tips to prepare you for your hike. Visit to view the training plans. 

Laurie Crayston