One winner will:

Be crowned Lakeland Photography Prize Winner 2021.

Two tickets to Eskfest 2022

Receive a £100 Ascendancy Apparel gift voucher.

Win a bottle of gin from Whitewood Distilling Co.

A set of Wainwrights medals from Earned It Co.

A copy of Joss Naylor’s Lakes, Meres & Waters of the Lake District.

A copy of the Lakes 100 Road Trip Map.

A dedicated blog-post about your photography.

Gain exposure to thousands of Lake District lovers.

One Runner-up will:

Receive a £50 Ascendancy Apparel gift voucher.

A dedicated blog-post about your photography.

Gain exposure to thousands of Lake District lovers.

Each further shortlisted entrant will receive: 

A £10 Ascendancy Apparel gift voucher.

Gain exposure to thousands of Lake District lovers.

All entrants will:

Have at least one of their photographs displayed on the One Lake District Instagram story.